Thursday 20 January 2011

Fencing and conditioning

18:00 Fencing



1. A. 1-15
2. B. 8-15
3. A. 15-14


KB swings 20x 20Kg alternating with 1 min footwork. 12 minutes (160)

I needed the first two bouts to shake the cobwebs out. The first bout I couldn't control the distance and I had real problems getting the point on. The second bout was better but I lost most of my touches when I rushed. The third bout I controlled the pace and the distance and the score reflects that.

Stretch: Wall groin, hip internal rotator, chest.
Mobility WOD Ep 143 and 144: Shoulder internal rotation, thorasic mobility, hip flexion and external rotation, hamstrings.
Hip rehab.

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