Thursday 22 March 2012

Fencing practice

17:45 fencing

Foam roll: upper back, serratus, lats, quads, glutes.
Static stretch: Shoulder, Hip external rotators, hip flexors. Fencing lunge
Dynamic stretch: Neck, shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist circles. Leg swings four direction, synaic runner stretc, three way lunge.
Warmup footwork each side.

Footwork: Flat steps, with half step, with jump back, with lunge.


1. B. 15-12
2. B. 11-15
3. A. 14-15
4. A. 11-15
5. A. 8-15

Stretch: Wall splits.

Was having some issues with my left knee. It's an old injury that the run on Monday seems to have aggravated.
Ran out of steam in my second bout. My rather snug lame may be a contributing factor.
Bout 3 I was very happy with. I analysed the fencers style and worked to remove the prerequsites. The fencer is a leftie who like to finish with a flick to the shoulder. He also like a fast paced bout. He has a big prep and needs distance to set up an actions.

I kept distance close, just outside lunge distance.
I kept a raised guard that removed his favourite target.
I slowed the pace down.

Worked very well, as he adapted I made small changes to the plan, mixing in the line with CA and AIP. I lost a few early touches because I hadn't adjusted the distance and wasn't threatening enough with fake CAs.. Most importantly I realsed what teh issue was and altered my plan rather than discarding it.

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