Sunday 5 June 2011

June 2011 workout 1.

10:00 Home


1. Right leg Bulgarian split squats with the dumbbell in the suitcase position: 10 reps
2. Left leg Bulgarian split squats with the dumbbell in the suitcase position: 10 reps
3. "Goblet" squats with the dumbbell cradled on the chest: 10 reps
4. Deep push-ups, chest touching the floor, with the push-up handles: 10 reps
5. Doorway chin-ups or pull-ups: 10 reps
6. Ab wheel: 10 reps

2 rounds with 12Kg KB

This is my routine for June. It's meant to be fairly easy. I'll work up to 3-5 rounds and add 5 minutes of snatches at the end. One day a week 11-15 minutes swings 30 on 30 off. It's also acts as prep for the 40 day program that I plan to follow over the summer.

Stretch: Couch stretch, soft tissue of hips and quads.

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