Saturday 11 December 2010

18:30 Fencing

Warm up.


1. (C) 3-5
2. (A) 0-5
3. (C) 5-2
4. (C) 5-1
5. (B) 5-3*
6. (A) 5-4
7. (A) 3-5
8. (A) 2-5
9, (A) 5-1*
10. (C) 5-0
11 (C) 15-8
12 (A) 10-15

Stretch: Wall groin stretch, calves, Figure 4.

After the first 2 bouts I got my head engaged. Bout 5 was important for me as it was against an opponent I don't enjoy fencing, who I know how to defeat but never do. This time I executed my plan perfectly. Bout 6 reinforced this. I had a plan and stuck to it and used good maneuvering footwork.

Bout 9 was against an opponent I never beat. He's an excellent fencer with a very good attack. My plan was to destroy his attack as early as possible. I scored the first touch with an early counter attack. He scored next with a finish to the lowline. In the break between touches I "practiced" parry 8 twice. On his first prep I did a parry 8. On his attack I faked the parry and counter attacked. Touch.

On the next action he was a little more way. This time I faked a counter and parried. 3-1. On the next action he was a little more hesitant and I got a parry 4 riposte.  My action was a CA to me. I backed it up with good maneuvering foot work and fake attacks.

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