Wednesday 1 May 2013

Risotto and Swins

You need.
19:00 Home

A KB or two. (8kg, 20kg)A pullup bar.An onionCelery.Cooked chicken.Stock.ButterParmesanWine


Finely chop a medium onion and two sticks of celeryWarm olive oil and butter in a large pot.Add onion and celery and a little fresh thyme if you have it.Cook onion and celery for 10-15 minutes until soft, stirring often
10 halos, 10 GS 


Add two cups of risotto rice (I used Arborio) and stir for a minutes or two until is start to look translucent.Add half a cup of vermouth (of white wine, or stock) and stir well, until absorbed.
20 swings, 10 pushups.
Add a cup of hot stock (chicken or vegetable) and stir vigoursly
20 swings, 10 pushups.
Once absorbed add anoter cup of host stock (chicken or vegetable) and stir vigoursly
20 swings, 10 pushups.
Once absorbed add anoter cup of host stock (chicken or vegetable) and stir vigoursly
20 swings, 10 pushups.
Continue adding stock until the rice is cooked but still has a little bite.
20 swings, 10 pushups.
Add some torn up chicken, I used leftover from a roast chicken, and allow to heat through.
5 GS, 8 pullups
Take off heat and add butter and parmesan cheese, lots of both. Season to taste.
5 GS, 8 pullups
Make a quick salad, I delegated this activity :)
5 GS
Open a bottle of wine and pour a glass for all involved.
Stretch Hamstrings.
Set the table.
Stretch Chest
Bon appetito!
Total time 40 minutes

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