Thursday 9 May 2013

Fencing Practice

18:45 Fencing





1. B. 15-10
2. C. 15-7
3. B. 15-10
4. B. 8-15

Stretch: Wall splits.

Longer warmup really helped, but having really bad SI pain.

Last bout I was pushed for time and started to rush at the end. The Op does three thing.s

Fast attack with hand back, finish to the shoulder.

When attacked either.
Long arm stop hit.
Or covers up and either CA or wide parry
Ducks, again with covering.

Need to set up constant pressure and start from my distance. Also need to move around more to set up opportunities
Long attacks with be stop hit so need to take up distance.
fast attacks are likely to be caught up in squirming, so slow start or single tempo actions.
Movement is poor so move him around to set up opportunity
Needs a while to set up an attack so disrupt his preparation.

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