Thursday 29 September 2011

Fencing practice

17:45 Fencing



1. A. 7-15
2. C. 15-5
3. C. 15-10
4. B. 5-15
5. B. 8-15
6. 2-5

Stretch: frog, piriformis.
Soft tissue: hip
Rehab AT: heel drop 3x15x8.

I didn't put my insoles in and I noticed some Achilles pain in the first bout. The little heel raise makes a big difference. It was another incredibly humid night and I was sapped by the end of the second bout. I'm not sure if it's the heat or I'm getting over as bug.

In the earlier bouts I made good use of false counter attack, counter attack. My infighting was good. I struggled to get a good attack together.

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