Saturday 2 April 2011

30 day mix up. Workout 8

17:30 Gym


3 circuits of
FS 5x45
Plank 30 seconds
Wide Grips partial SLDL 15x90
TGU 1x16Kg
1 Arm bench 5x18,20,22,24,
Pullup 5x10,10xBW
Face pull 2x10

Cross walk: 24 Kg down, 12Kg up. (Weight were actually too heavy and force me into back extension)

Stretch: Stretched hip flexor, calves and chest between sets. Hips and groin after.

I had a stonking head cold and throat infection all week. It wiped me out. Finally on the mend today. Took it easy for the past few days and just did a little mobility work.

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