Tuesday 2 September 2008

My leg is improving slowly but surely. Today I'm working from the office rather than home and while I still limp I can walk with no pain.

The physiotherapist I saw this morning confirmed the diagnosis as tennis leg. As this is a tear of the gastrocnemius rather than the Achilles tendon the prognosis is much improved. I should hopefully be back in action sooner with less likelyhood of a reoccurence.

I did some basic point and flexes and foor circles yesterday and will continue today and as well as some additional load bearing rehab, e.g. raising on the toes of injured foor whole bearing more weight on uninjured foot. The physio also recommedned swimming and exercise in water. I'm going to see if I can get to my local pool.

I'm going a few sets of pullups, pressup and planks as well as some stretching and will start back doing upperbody and unilateral leg work at the gym shortly. I also did 30 minutes bladework on the lunge pad and in front of the mirror yesterday.

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