Wednesday 27 August 2008

12:30 Gym

Dynamic warmup.
Fencing footwork 15 minutes

Front Squat 3x15 x20 kgs, slow to rehab hip.
Dumbell swing 3x15 x20kgs.
SLDL on platform 2x10 x15 kgs + 10 sec stretch at end.
Skipping 5 minutes.


18:45 Fencing



1. 5 -10 working on plicks to shoulder.
2. 15-14 focuing on distance setup.
3. stopped at 8-11.

Partially ruptured achiles tendon or calf muscle.
At home a physio friend was able to do a basic diagnosis over the phone. Had my wife do the Thompson test. Carried out RICE. Took ibuprofen.

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