09:30 Home
2 ladders of
Pullups 5,4,3,2,1 (first set +8Kgs)
GS 5, 4,3,2,1x24Kg (first ladder +8Kgs)
Swings 10x24; Pushups 10
Swings 10x24; Pushups 9
Swings 10x24; Pushups 8
etc. etc. until
Swings 10x24; Pushups 10
2 ladders of
Pullups 5,4,3,2,1 (first set +8Kgs)
GS 5, 4,3,2,1x24Kg (first ladder +8Kgs)
Swings 10x24; Pushups 10
Swings 10x24; Pushups 9
Swings 10x24; Pushups 8
etc. etc. until
Swings 10x24; Pushups 10
Batwings 2x5x24
Ab wheel roll outs 2x10
Stretch: Couch stretch, hamstrings and peroneals. Soft tissue work on peroneals and right hip.