Friday 20 December 2013

SS Warmup and Cool Down

The Simple and Sinister Warmup

I start with the 100 up minor just to get the juices flowing.

Then 3 rounds of 5 reps with a 8Kg kettlebell

Goblet Squat with a real emphasis on prying the hips open and getting depth
Bridges with a yoga block between the knees. Looking to hold a 3 second max contraction at the top.

If anything is very tight I'll stretch it, especially the low lunge

The Cool Down

The 90/90 stretch:  Stretch over the front shin and then to front knee, rotate to other side and repeat. 2-3 minutes and 5 rotations minimum. This should be advantageous for my poor hip internal rotation.

The QL straddle: Assume a straddle position. Sit tall, reach the right arm over head and let the left forearm from to the inside of the left thigh. Reach with the right hand as if trying to touch the left toe but keep the waist long. Feel the stretch in the right QL.
Repeat on the other side and then 4 more times for no less than 3 minutes. My right QL is very tight, hiking my hip so hopefully this will help release it off.

I may also add a full straddle stretch at the end and possibly a counter stretch as well. The latter is the stretch I've been referring to as the upper back stretch.

Counter Stretch.

I plan to work on the warm up and cool down over the next week.

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