Warm Up (8kg)
1. 10 x halo left
2. 10 x Touch the Wall Drill – with Weight
3. 10 x halos right.
4. 10 x Touch the Wall Drill – with Weight
5. Stretch: MobilityWOD 363 Hip opener.
SI Rehab.
Workout - Part 1 (20kg)
1. 20 x Two Handed Swings
2. 1 x Plank
Repeat x 5 for 100 Swings and 5 Planks.
Workout – Part 2 (20kg)
20 Seconds Swings – 10 Seconds Rest
Repeat for a full 4 Minutes!
Finisher (20kg)
2. 1 Min Rest
3. 20 x Goblet Squats
4. 1 Min rest
5. 10 x Goblet Squats
Cool Down
Stretch: hamstrings
Foam roll: Upper back,
Rehab: shoulder, SI,