Monday 21 July 2014

Fencing Practice

18:50 Fencing





1. A. 5-15
2. C. 15-5
3. C. 15-11
4. C. 15-7
5. A. 7-15


Back felt a little better. Mobility work is helping.

I need to change up more and show more variety. In bout 1, the opponent is pressing and I am giving way doing fake CA. He know teh CA is fake and is just waiting for a time to finish.  I need to mix in getting away and attack in teh start as well as just pushing of teh line.

Bout 3 was similar in a way. My opponent scored on fast attacks. He knew I wouldn't start so he always began teh attacks. I needed to make him more uncertain of his choices.

I also need to work on my attacking footwork My maneuvering is fine, but initial steps on attack are to big/heavy.

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