Monday 13 May 2024

Classic Conditioning in X Moves


Warm up

Program A: Simple Strength

- Based on 10RM

- Light = 50% / Medium = 75% / Heavy = 100%

1. One Arm Press - 10 reps light + HFS RKD/ 5 reps med +

HFS LKD / 10 reps heavy

2. One Arm Row - 10 reps light + HF Rainbow RKD/ 5 reps

med + HF Rainbow LKD / 10 reps heavy

3. Swing - 30 reps light + Birddog RKD/ 15 reps med +

Birddog LKD / 30 reps heavy

4. GSQ - 10 reps light + 6-point Zenith Right/ 5 reps med +

6-point Zenith Left / 10 reps heavy

5. PUP Plank - 2 minutes

6. SA Carry - Walk as far as you can switch and come back

Friday 10 May 2024

Classic Conditioning in X Moves

09:00 Home

Warm up

Program C: Tonic Recharge

1. One Arm Press - 10 reps light + HFS Both

2. One Arm Row - 10 reps light + HF Rainbow

3. Swing - 30 reps light + BD

4. GSQ - 10 reps light + 6PZ

5. PUP Plank - 1 minute

I've followed this program twice before and always enjoyed it. The full details can be found in Dan John's Can You Go? but there is a nice summary here. I've started with the easier Tonic day as I'm feeling a little beaten up.

Wednesday 1 May 2024

One Kettlebell plus RAF

09:15 Home

Warm up

RAF fitness plan.

2 Rounds of 

Situps 10

Squats 112

Situps 16

Lunges 8

Planks 25s

Dorsal raise 12

Clean and press right
Clean and press left
Front squat x2
Change hand
Clean and press left
Clean and press right
Front squat x2
Rest 30 seconds

Repeat 15 times
